სარეკლამო კომპანია

თბილისი, კეკელიძის ქ. №13

+995 32 507066

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დამატებულია: 07.10.10

Media Service
Main Advantages:

  1. Huge experience about the Caucasus media market
  2. High skills of the professional team
  3. Long term partnership with the leading media channels

                During the last years media team of Creator served leading international companies such as: Unilever, Wrigley, Wella,  Oriflame, Toyota, GlaxoSmithKlain, Evyap International, etc 
Creator has been developing both directions of media service  - media buying and media planning.

Advantages in media buying system:

  1. Best conditions of discounts according to the client budget
  2. Long term cooperation with all kind of media channels (TV, Radio, Press, Outdoor  etc)
  3. Flexibility of creating agency commission and payment terms
  4. Extra bonus for the client in case of long term partnership

Media Planning and Reporting
Media planning is implemented in several steps:

  1. Analysis of the whole Media Market;
  2. Analysis and forecast of competitors’ activity;
  3. Development of Strategy for TV media planning;
  4. Preparing of Media plan considering all media data including channel positions, GRP, WRP, CPP, Reach ECT;
  5. Corrections in media plan according to changes on the media market

 Media reporting:

  1. Monthly and Annual Reporting of TV media placement;
  2. Monthly and Annual Competitive Report based on media monitoring;
  3. Preparing of periodical presentation of Georgian Media Market Overview


  1. Creation of Brand Name
  2. Creation of Slogan
  3. Creation of design for logo
  4. Creation of corporate style
  5. Creation of brand book


  1. Elaboration of the concept  for PR and BTL activities
  2. Creative idea  for PR and BTL activities
  3. Organization of all kinds of Promo actions (trade promotion,  consumer promotion)
  4. Direct  marketing
  5. POS  Materials
  6. Organization of all kinds of special events: celebrations, opening ceremonies, press conferences, corporate meetings  etc
  7. Own base of promoters
  8. Supervision of promo actions by supervisors
  9. Provision with all kinds of advertising materials including the design of event places for actions.

  Main Priorities: 

  1. Own Video Studio
  2. Own Workshop

  Creator has been developing production of all kinds of advertising material:

  1. Video and Audio  commercials, films, 3D graphics based on original or adopted creative
  2. Outdoor-Indoor advertising  products  based on original or adopted design
  3. All kinds of print products produced by any kind of print technologies

Studio production
Outdoor  production



                        Copyright © 2009-2010  “Smart Club” Ltd. ყველა უფლება დაცულია.
                  შპს „სმართ კლუბი“-ს ადმინისტრაცია არ არის პასუხისმგებელი საიტზე განთავსებული სარეკლამო ინფორმაციის სიზუსტეზე.